Untamed & Free, That’s Me


The Eagle soared…

Then perched to rest,

Atop that impossible cliff!

The cliff beyond my reach…is Eagle’s Seat of Power,

And Sun rays bathing it, like a Blessing Shower!


The Pelican is at watch…

Patiently for its catch,

Deeply focussed, undeterred and determined to fetch.

The Pelican watches from it’s Seat of Conviction,

While nature drenches it in unabated Rain!


The Koel sings…

An enchanting Melody of Love,

Sometimes from the mango tree,

Sometimes from the clouds above,

The Koel weaves magic from it’s Seat of Love,

The music sending a message of peace like that White Dove!


No wonder, I would love to be a Bird,

Or perhaps be all these three birds!

Because untamed and free, that’s thee…

Because untamed and free, I wish to be!

With enough determination and courage,

And soar higher in Life…

With my Power, Conviction and Love!

Copyright: Mahima Sharma 

The Author is an Independent Journalist & Ex-Senior Journalist with CNN-News 18, ANI (a collaboration with Reuters). 

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