Throw Away the Key


The questions surrounding the smirking terrorist and liar Ashraf Mahmud Islam are not moral ones, but legal ones, explains ITV News Security Editor Rohit Kachroo.

Ashraf Mahmud Islam has been imprisoned in northern Syria since January. Ashraf has been held by Kurdish YPG forces yet his Kurdish captors are unwilling to continue to house him and his fellow captives or put them on trial. They want to move them on.

Actions have already been taken in Britain to stop Ashraf returning. The UK Home Office has attempted to end Islam’s British citizenship. Meanwhile his family is attempting to fight the Home Office decision.

The point here is that Ashraf Mahmud Islam’s future is beyond the control of the British public. Whether legal process is followed or not most Brits really do not care. As for moral questions related to this case and anyone else associated with Daesh, a quick survey of Brits will result in an overwhelming result – throw away the key or put a bullet through these reprobates’ heads. Be done with them.

The Islamic State and all those in Britain who support them are traitors of the very worst kind. They’re not Britons any more than Britons are Daesh members. Oil and water. More than that they have shown themselves to be barbarians not worthy of any association with Britain. Why the UK Government is not allowing these vile creatures to die in jihad by releasing them into the nearest field with a scimitar then droning the hell out of them is beyond the bounds of reason.

The other point here is why on earth are ITV giving coverage to these terrorists? They are not alone – BBC Newsnight and Channel 4 have covered these “people” in broadcasts in the past.

Please stop.

Seeing these people – since that is what they still claim to be – pretending to be human and talking about how much they are missing their loved ones back in Britain is vomit-inducing. Giving them air time is not a scoop – it’s an insult.

What about the families of Alan Henning and David Haines? What about the families of those who lost loved ones in terror attacks manifested by these caliphate-seeking psychopaths?

Britain gave these Daesh scumbags every opportunity. They decided to turn their backs on us and they hate us with a hatred never seen before in the history of our islands. They are not welcome back here. Those who share their mindset should leave too. Get out of our country and stay out. Go gamble on your theological niceties elsewhere, preferably in the next world after arranging a mass cliff-jump for your revolting souls.