A Prayer for the Elderly


Dear Readers of Country Squire Magazine, I trust that You are having a relaxing weekend and enjoying the rugby.

This week I would like to address the week’s prayer to the elderly. We are a greying nation and women in Britain are having fewer children than previous generations. People in Britain are living longer through improvements in health, diet and preventative care.

Of course You are only as old as You feel. People say that 30 is the new 21 and 50 the new 40. Maybe.

What matters is less one’s years and more one’s spiritual growth. I have met spiritually robust teens and spiritually hopeless octogenarians. While the pressure of a looming death is more often than not on the octogenarian, forcing them to address their faith, spiritual calm can come at any age.

If you are one of Britain’s elderly I ask You to ponder. Take time out to think through the scriptures and think beyond death. If You are not one of Britain’s elderly yet, reach out to the third generation for their wisdom and knowledge. We must treasure people of all ages.

I wish You all a wonderful week ahead. God Bless You all.

Father of all, you see every one of us as your child, no matter how young or old.
You have known us for every second of our lives.
You give us every breath, and you sustain us every day.
We lift to you now the elderly.
Each one is your child,
Each one is precious in your sight.
You have told us that through your Spirit, old men will dream dreams,
Proclaiming that the day of the Lord is here.
You see old men and women as they truly are – knowledge-keepers and dreamers,
Many of them ever-faithful followers who have learnt to walk in your ways.
And we know, Father, that every ageing heart is held in your hand, young and vibrant to your touch.
We see how you use the wisdom, knowledge and experience of the older generations to teach the young,
To bring old insight to new problems, and to give love and security where there is uncertainty.
