A Prayer of Protection


Dear Readers of Country Squire Magazine, I wish You and all those close to You well this Sunday.

There is plenty of nervousness and rising anger out there in Britain. I sense it locally and I see it on the news and across social media. It is a great shame that Brexit negotiations have come to this. We are a First World democracy after all and if we start ignoring democracy then what hope have other countries who look to us for an example?

Against this backcloth of instability we for the first time in a long time see danger ahead. We have not seen such potential disruption for many generations in Britain. So, let us pray that such a breakdown does not happen and that we see beyond the tribal and remain in peace.

Psalm 91 is a protection scripture that believers have turned to for thousands of years whenever there is danger. As times of trouble are upon us, the prayer of Psalm 91 is comforting and effective when prayed from the heart by those who love God and are in relationship with Him.

God bless You all. May You and the country have a good and peaceful week ahead.

Lord, I have made a decision to dwell in Your secret place, the secret place of the Most High.

I have determined this is the intent of my heart, but I need your help to stay consistent in remaining there and abiding under Your shadow.

O Lord, In my own strength this is impossible. But, in You, O Lord, all things are possible.


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