Stop the Cull’s Own Goal


Around this time of year those with livestock to protect, conservation or shooting interests are putting out the Larsen trap. Designed in the 1950s in Denmark it is a very humane way of reducing corvid (i.e. crows, magpies, jackdaws, jays, rooks) numbers. It is regulated by a general licence and strict guidelines must be adhered to when using it.

Using similar traps for town foxes is also a preference of animal rights charities, we know this by the escalating influx of foxes that suddenly appear dumped in the countryside. These foxes wander around in confusion as they look for rubbish sacks and bins for food. They have no idea how to hunt and present themselves as easy targets due to having less fear of humans. The three-legged town fox, released into the countryside, is a prime example of animal rights supporters abusing wildlife through ignorance. It is totally incapable of surviving in the wild. One wonders if many of these animal rights supporters have ever visited the countryside?

For the Larsen trap to work you need a call bird. One that is placed in the cage and vocal enough to attract others to the cage. They hopefully will fall into the cage through a spring-loaded door and will be dispatched humanely within 24 hours. Of course, you need that all important call bird and for that a corvid exchange group was set up to pass around these birds to target problem areas.

If you have any doubts about the damage corvids and foxes do to livestock take a look at these gruesome pictures below. Eyes get pecked out, tongues get ripped even while lambs are being born, and lambs get decapitated – a grizzly affair all round, which costs farmers dear.

It is not all about protecting livestock. Controlling corvids and foxes is good conservation practice as well. 

So an important countryside role is played by this corvid exchange group in not only protecting livestock, but also vulnerable wildlife, from predation. Surely anyone with the reasoning capacity of a five-year-old can see that?

Think again.

The antis are now targeting the corvid exchange group with online harassment and bullying. This breaks down communication links between those in need of the exchange’s services and as a direct consequence animals suffer. As ever the antis have not thought through their strategies.

Stop the Cull – a group setup by convicted fraudster and ex-soldier Gamel Eboe (AKA Jay Tiernan) to protect badgers from the cull – recently asked its followers on its Facebook page to leave fake reviews and comments on the corvid exchange groups’ web pages. More sinister, they advised they target the group admins’ farm and businesses. One business was a children’s nursery and parents were targeted that had left glowing comments of the nursery.

What is surprising about this particular person (if you can call him that) is that on the very farm he’s trapping and killing foxes and crows, he’s also running a children’s nursery.

Please do go to their Facebook page and give them appropriate reviews and leave comments, these people need to know what the British public think of them”

Targeted harassment and bullying are how those on the extreme Left like to operate. Stop the Cull then celebrated – after an hour both the corvid exchange website and the nursery website had been pulled. They saw this as a victory – the admins saw it more as defusing a situation created by nutters.

“They have pulled their nursery and corvid exchange Facebook pages down after numerous comments and bad reviews. You can still leave reviews on Google and obviously it’s fine to give them a call and politely express your opinion, but please don’t call through the night as it can be hard to concentrate on trapping and killing animals if you haven’t had enough sleep. Phone number on this link”

This is an exact replica of the online abuse and harassment dished out to the patron of the Dorset Wildlife Trust by Stop the Cull in May 2013 leading to Charlotte Townsend standing down from a prominent role. Then Tiernan (main photo) was happy to lap up the attention of the press but the Mail exposed Tiernan as a violent and toxic fantasist. Unsurprisingly, by August 2013 it was claimed he no longer had administrative authority on the Stop the Culls‘ Facebook page and was just a spokesperson for the group. Some of his brainwashed followers might believe that – we do not. What has gone on before this latest incident points an accusing finger at Tiernan, who is still very active with the group.

One of Tiernan’s closest associates was a Debbie Vincent, another former soldier from a wealthy background, who changed her name from Peter Vincent Rogers after a sex change operation. Vincent, who helped Eboe orchestrate the campaigns against the first culls in 2013, served a six-year sentence after being convicted of involvement in a plot to attack targets across Europe. Both Vincent and Eboe were also members of a group involved in violent campaigns against Huntingdon Life Sciences, a medical research facility using animals, whose employees were intimidated during a vicious campaign.

Why would anyone follow Stop the Cull? They enjoy working with terrorists?

Irrespective of who was the administrator that wrote that post advising a pile on involving abuse and harassment, who cares? When the police come calling, Stop the Cull can decide amongst themselves who was the administrator and if anyone wants to take a hit for a convicted fraudster who the army are ashamed to have ever set eyes upon.

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