On the Durham Report


The Hillary Clinton campaign invented a conspiracy that didn’t exist to try and get a rival presidential candidate defeated.

They then falsified ‘evidence’ by paying a former foreign spy to create a dossier.

The heads of the FBI and CIA knew it was all an invention and not real. They met with departing President Obama and presented a report detailing that this evidence was a Hillary campaign invention.

The FBI knew. The CIA knew. Obama knew. Comey knew. Brennan knew. How many more knew?

Inventing Russian collusion was a serious insult to Russia as well as a corrupt lie against Trump. All of the Obama era picks in US intelligence knew it was false and would know it damaged relations with Russia.

None of them admitted it was false. Quite the contrary. They pretended it was true.

None of them said it was false when the FBI launched an investigation whose sole evidence was this dossier. An investigation into a serving President, for links they knew didn’t exist.

Now it seems that all of this is treason.

Hillary is guilty of treason. Obama is guilty of treason. The FBI and CIA are guilty of treason. People like John Brennan are guilty of treason.

Falsification of evidence to bring down a legitimate, innocent Presidential candidate and then a legitimate, innocent President? Using foreign spies for this purpose? If that isn’t treason, what is?

The Durham Report proves what we already knew. It was all a tissue of lies. But the meeting in which the falseness of those lies was described to Obama is also on the record, independent of the Durham Report. The Brennan memo confirming this meeting was released on the 7th October 2020.

That memo proves a criminal conspiracy to invent collusion, but also a second criminal conspiracy to remain silent. Not only did they remain silent, they even claimed the memo was Russian disinformation and blasted Trump for declassifying it!

All of them notified in 2016 that this was all false, kept claiming it was real through the entire length of Trump’s Presidency. They got rid of and persecuted Flynn as a result of this dishonesty. They launched wiretaps on this dishonesty. They justified a series of impeachments and the whole Mueller charade on this.

As early as 2020 The Hill were saying ‘misuse of power, but not treason’. What they say now is ‘ok, we had no evidence of collusion, but that’s not evidence of treason.’


If you keep repeating what you know is a lie to bring down what you know is a legitimate President, and if you spend public funds and use public resources on the basis of this lie, that is in every way a criminal, treasonous conspiracy.

It’s not ‘dirty tricks’. It’s not ‘hardball’. It’s not ‘ok, a bit dishonest’.

It’s totally and absolutely treason.

They kept lying on this for SEVEN YEARS. John Brennan for instance publicly testified that Trump had links to Russia, the same John Brennan who privately told Obama that it was all bullshit.

“The crime of showing no loyalty to your country, especially by helping its enemies or trying to defeat its government”. Cambridge Dictionary.

“the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance…” Miriam-Webster Dictionary.

Trying to defeat your legitimate government by overt acts of sabotage. Trying to overthrow your government by non-electoral, non-legitimate means. Helping its enemies…well, what does imperilling relations with another important nation on the basis of lies, do, exactly?

Using the FBI with falsified evidence to bring down a President can’t be defined as anything OTHER than treason.

But what will happen?


Daniel Jupp is the author of A Gift for Treason: The Cultural Marxist Assault on Western Civilisation, which was published in 2019. He has had previous articles published by Spiked, The Spectator and Politicalite, and is a married father of two from Essex.

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