Fantasy Cartoon Cobblers


Dear Editor,

Having watched the recent ‘Disney’fied production narrated by Chris Packham about ‘fox hunting’, there are some comments about this ‘production’ I would like to draw your attention to:

Overall, the Chris Packham et al portrayal of the countryside is misleading, claiming it is a place of ‘tranquility’ and ‘serenity’ with all creatures living in harmony, when it patently is not. Predators kill their prey creatures slowly. For example, raptors use a variety of killing techniques, using their talons to suffocate, or disembowel, or crush the head or sever the spine. Foxes typically kill by a bite to the back of the neck, much the same as used to happen to them when hunted pre ban. Stoats kill in a similar fashion but weasels bite and keep biting until their prey is dead. Badgers eat hedgehogs, deer die by a variety of means, road traffic accidents, giving birth, fighting, bad weather, falls, drowning and injury causing sepsis, lambs die by being pecked to death by crows, so the countryside is hardly a peaceful haven for all God’s creatures.

In this infantile cartoon there is an assertion, or allegation, that only 1% of hunts lay trails.

There is an assertion that hound pups are taught from a young age to hunt foxes.


General tone of the cartoon falls into the disinformation category.

This cartoon is subversive and manipulative throughout and bears little resemblance to the reality. Fortunately, the video was a dud anyway and few watched it. Such propaganda merits dying away unseen by gullible eyes.

Yours sincerely,

Sarah Greenwood

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