Corvid Lamb Persecution Now Out of Control

BY EILEEN STUART Warning: Graphic images Following an appeal by the high-profile farmer Gareth Wyn Jones, sheep farmers across Britain have amassed hundreds of images and reports of bird attacks on lambs during this year’s lambing season. Pest birds, such as carrion crows, magpies and jackdaws, are spreading in their millions and face only one enemy: farmers with their shotguns. The problem is, farmers with … Continue reading Corvid Lamb Persecution Now Out of Control


BY DOMINIC WIGHTMAN It’s Lambophobia Awareness Month, folks! That’s right. It’s the month when all of us are subjected to pricks on our social conscience; obliged to feel pity for all “oppressed lambs” everywhere – especially those bigoted, supremacist, two-faced Lambists who dreamt up all kinds of faux victimhood in the past for attempted political gain and now promote Lambophobia Awareness Month on infidelitous Twitter. … Continue reading Lambophobia