A Country Girl’s Reflections on Environmentalism

BY ROCHELLE BLAKEMAN “Toil mastered everything, relentless toil And the pressure of pinching poverty… Everything by nature’s law Tends to the worse, slips ever backward, backward.” Virgil, the Georgics As a farmer’s daughter, I was blessed with a bucolic childhood. With only 1% of the UK population being farmers, it is a lucky stroke to have lived my younger years with a closeness to the … Continue reading A Country Girl’s Reflections on Environmentalism

Taste of Your Own Medicine

BY DOMINIC WIGHTMAN Dominic Lawson wrote in the Daily Mail on Monday how Extinction Rebellion Founder Roger Hallam was one of the coordinators of Insulate Britain, the idiots blocking Britain’s motorways. Dominic wrote how: ‘Hallam – the actual founder of Insulate Britain – has not put himself out. This is the Roger Hallam who has been telling his acolytes what to do either from his … Continue reading Taste of Your Own Medicine