The Truth On Immigration

BY EFFIE DEANS There has been quite a lot of attention recently to people crossing the Channel in dinghies, but the story needs to be put in perspective. In 2019 612,000 people moved to the UK (immigration) while 385,000 left the UK (emigration). There were 34,000 asylum applications. So far this year about 4000 people have arrived by crossing the Channel. The number of people … Continue reading The Truth On Immigration

Walker’s Crisps: Salt & Too Much Lineker

BY JIM BROWNE I make two trips every week to the Tesco’s Superstore just a few miles from the Browne house. The first trip involves dropping my wife off and then pulling into a parking spot at The Red Lion next door. I confess I enjoy my Friday afternoon hour of freedom. A pint of cider goes down splendidly with pork scratchings and a chinwag with the locals. … Continue reading Walker’s Crisps: Salt & Too Much Lineker

Let’s Talk About Gary

BY JAMIE FOSTER   “These couchings and these lowly courtesies Might fire the blood of ordinary men, And turn pre-ordinance and first decree Into the law of children.” Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar Act III scene I Nothing changes. This is the first principle we must accept if we are to recognise the nature of our public discourse. As humans we are locked in a constant cycle … Continue reading Let’s Talk About Gary