More Bipartisanship, Less Tribalism

BY JAMES MELVILLE “When facts change, I change my mind.”~ John Maynard Keynes Where is the bipartisanship, respectfulness, balance and empathy in our political discourse? We are moving apart rather than walking towards each other. Increasingly, it seems that on almost every political issue, binary choices of division are being made. This is increasing the levels of division and hatred. Instead, we need to find … Continue reading More Bipartisanship, Less Tribalism

Faux War

BY DOMINIC WIGHTMAN There is growing evidence that lockdown is winding people up now. This includes the journalists who scribe from the homes they have rarely left since March. Hats off to the anti-capitalist Black Lives Matter opportunists who used the perennial August of lockdown to generate a high-profile campaign when, frankly, there were so few stories circulating. One can only read so many articles … Continue reading Faux War