
Chava Boroda now lives in Los Angeles. However, her family was among thousands of people from the USSR, whose story of moving to the United States as political refugees is inspiring. Chava’s family was among those “Refuseniks” who proved to the world how willpower can triumph over even the strictest regime in the world. The world has slowly forgotten emotional and powerful stories of “Refuseniks”. … Continue reading Refusenik

It’s the Russians!

BY PAUL NEWALL Why is it that when faced with certain failure politicians these days scream “Russia”? The Democrats in the US tried and failed to oust Trump with their Russian collusion antics and now losers like Dominic Grieve are forced to pull the Russian collusion card over here. Recent tall tales in obtuse publications about the owner of the Evening Standard, Evgeny Lebedev, being … Continue reading It’s the Russians!