A Prayer for Our Children


Dear Readers of Country Squire Magazine, I trust that You and Your families are well and that You are finding ways to keep occupied as We wait for this strange period in our lives to pass. I have started to recall a year ago, when We were free and got on with life in ways which are now considered illegal. We must treasure what We have now as We never know what lies around the corner. Live in the present and pray that the future is bright.

This week I would like to pray for our future – for our children. They are mostly back at school and amongst friends. Some have missed out a lot this year. Many are supposed to be suffering from worry and some are said to be depressed. My experience is that children are the most robust of all generations, so We should not fear for them but give them confidence and teach them well.

As parents, grandparents, mentors, and leaders, We have been given the incredible power to make a difference in the world through the lives of the children We love. And though many of us pray for our children daily and strongly believe in the power of prayer, it’s sometimes hard to know how to pray strategically, or even what exactly to pray for. There’s a battle over our families today, and opponents of family and religion would love nothing more than to destroy all that We hold dear in this life. They will never win. Jesus loves children:

Mark 10:13-16

People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.

I trust that You have a peaceful and rewarding Sunday. I pray for Your children and grandchildren, nephews and nieces. God Bless You all. Be well and be safe.


Another day is ahead, and once again, I want to release my children who I love so incredibly much, straight into your tender care. Because I know that’s the best place they could ever be. Thank you in advance for all that you have in store, for this day and for their entire lives.

I ask for your wisdom and direction over their day, that you would give them understanding beyond what their years say they should even know. I ask that you would remind my children again of how very much you love them. I pray that they find security and confidence fully in you, knowing that you are trustworthy and true.

I ask for your peace to cover them. I ask for laughter and joy to fill their day. I pray that you would give them boldness and courage to face the challenges set before them, with the confidence and calmness that can only come from your Holy Spirit.

I ask that you would teach them your ways, help them to be respectful to others, obedient to your paths, and have a desire to learn your word. Give them a compassionate spirit, and a willingness to look beyond the outward appearance of another to the deeper heart.

I pray that you would bring wrong to the light, that you would bring restoration and forgiveness when they mess up and lose their way. I ask for you to protect them from feelings of shame or condemnation, but instead, cover them with your grace and hope. I pray that you would surround them with friends and leaders who would challenge them to press closer to you.
