A Prayer for Hope & Courage


Dear Readers of Country Squire Magazine, I trust that You are well and happy. This week I’d like You to focus on hopes and courage.

What the Bible says:

“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Jesus knew that if His disciples thought of their lives only in terms of their time on earth, they would end up hopeless and disappointed. He knew every struggle and persecution they would face — even the ways they would die.

So, in His final conversation with them before He was taken to be crucified, Jesus made sure to teach them about looking at life from an eternal perspective, the way God does. They would face many days that would feel like defeat unless they entered them already knowing that victory was ultimately theirs because of Jesus.

“In this world,” Jesus said, “you will have trouble.” You may be experiencing sickness, the death of a person you love or family conflicts. But embracing Jesus’ victory can give you the hope and courage to face life’s challenges.

A prayer for your hopes and courage is below. Have a lovely, peaceful Sunday and another good week ahead. God Bless You All.

Father, you have given Jesus victory over death. Help all who suffer to know your mercy and kindness, including persecuted believers around the world. Give us the courage to face life’s challenges, the hope to look beyond present circumstances and the faith to trust that You are good. Amen