Green in Tooth and Claw


Published under the auspices of the Bruges Group, Green in tooth and claw by Niall McCrae, no stranger to the pages of CSM, is an action packed tour through scams perpetuated by the green movement. This is not a scientific treatise demolishing the green movement, especially its Malthusian ‘zero carbon’ slogan. For that, see Not Zero by Ross Clark. Rather it is an explanation of the origins of the climate change emergency, its dramatis personae and its true aims and objectives. This is aetiology for the enquiring mind rather than an armoury for the debater. Nevertheless, it is an aetiology with which any debater ought to be familiar. 

Sub-titled ‘The misanthropic mission of climate alarm’, the author, who definitely has a way with words, entertains and informs in equal measure. Some of the chapter titles draw you into the content, and the sub-headings within the chapters offer some brilliant plays on words and concepts. Thus, the chapter titled ‘The secular Vatican and its missionaries’ has the ‘Ten Commandments’, ‘The Celsius creed’ and — my favourite — ‘Miraculous models’ (a play on the sacramental miraculous medals carried by many Roman Catholics). Our very own King Charles, a man obsessed with climate change and green issues, is identified as the Pontiff of the secular Vatican. Here, the author may have missed a trick as it is becoming increasingly clear that the actual Pontiff, Pope Francis, has fallen hook, line and rosary beads for the concept of the climate emergency and could just as easily be the Pontiff of both Vaticans, sacred and secular.

A remarkable amount of information is packed into a relatively short book and the scope of what is pulled in to support the arguments in the book is remarkable. McCrae’s purpose, referred to in the final chapter in relation to his tireless campaigning work, is to help readers join the dots between seemingly disparate events and movements. We have long been gaslit about the climate emergency, but it was a peripheral issue. However, for population controllers, anti-capitalists, lockdown fanatics and assorted control freaks the current obsession of governments and corporations worldwide with climate change, it must seem like all their Christmases have come at once.

There is no area of our lives that the green busybodies do not reach. It is an all encompassing ideology whereby its apparatchiks try to control what we eat, what we drive, how far we drive and what fuel we use to drive. They want to control what farmers grow, how they grow it and, for the non-compliant, drive them from the land and replace their crops and livestock with solar panels. For these people the great Covid panic of 2020, still an ever present sword of Damocles, was a gift. Not only did it show them what needed to be done to paralyse populations, the world economy and international travel, it showed them that it could be done.

This book is both scholarly and incisive. For the uninitiated it will contain a great deal that they did not know.

Green in tooth and claw by Niall McCrae (2023) is available from Amazon or Bruges Group Publications.