Woke Racism: How the West is Divided & Ruled


‘We will cut immigration’, say the Tories for the umpteenth time. That’s after 13 years in government, and enabling a transformation in British society that exceeds even the efforts of Tony Blair’s New Labour. Conservative voters have only themselves to blame, for electing a party that deceives them every time. Multiculturalism and selectively applied laws against ‘hate’ have changed Britain for the worse. Few dare to complain about mass immigration, and those who do are banished from polite society.

Apathy prevails. In his latest book The Great Reset: Biopolitics for Stakeholder Capitalism, Simon Elmer’s diagnosis is that ‘the British, as a people, are clinically depressed, apparently unable to do more than make a weary nod of consent to the media-managed spectacle of the latest celebrity scandal, political corruption or proxy war.’ 

A committed socialist, Elmer is from a side of the political spectrum that now supports open borders as an article of faith. In the past the Labour Party represented the working class, who opposed the influx of cheap labour and increased pressure on housing and public services, but that would now be considered racist.

Realising that there is little difference between the rival parties on any major policy, a few leftists such as George Galloway are transcending the Left-Right paradigm. Elmer would surely have been as disappointed by a Jeremy Corbyn government as were people like me who voted for Boris Johnson in 2019. Elmer is genuinely egalitarian, and can see that the white working class is being treated very badly by the establishment, whichever party is in charge.

Recently there have been huge marches in London and our other cities for Palestine, and in response a rally against anti-Semitism. The latter was necessary, we were told, because Jews do not feel safe in this country. But the community most existentially threatened is the white British, who are the only group that in practice has no protection against racial discrimination. The lingering white working class in the home towns of their forebears must fall behind the ‘global majority’ in the lengthening queue.

The incomers are hardly lording over the indigenous folk, however. Housed like battery hens in high-density, high-rise hubs of apartment blocks, their servile lives are led within a tightening ratchet of digital surveillance. The poor from Africa and Asia, as Elmer explains, are not the colonisers. Instead, there has been a coup d’état by unaccountable and antidemocratic global corporatists, to which our corrupted politicians have ceded power.. As shown by Covid-19, Net Zero and war in Ukraine, vast amounts of taxpayers’ money fills the pockets of international bankers, Big Tech magnates and the military-industrial complex.

Immigrants only know the Britain that they have experienced in a short time, but for the natives the country is becoming unrecognisable. Demography is our future, and ordinary white Britons are being marginalised. Pass a school – particularly a primary school, because the pace of change is accelerating – and you will see the future happening now. From the 2001 UK census to the latest in 2021, the white British share dropped from 87.5 to 74.4 per-cent. Many mayors of our principal towns and cities are Muslim, and this is celebrated as progress. Apparently it would be wrong for urban areas to be led by Whitey, as immigrant communities can only be authentically represented by one of their own. 

Sadiq Khan does not hide his contempt for the white residents of suburban Greater London, whose only use to him is revenue. Their valuable public service is taken for granted rather than praised, as institutional and trade union PR always depict black or Asian workers. Khan is quite happy mixing with the affluent middle-class intelligentsia, who support his agenda. But lower middle-class strivers are taxed to the hilt, to pay for his ideological onslaught on their very existence.

Khan’s ULEZ road-charging scheme, recently expanded to the edge of the Home Counties, punishes poorer families driving older cars, while the rich (including the V8 Range Rover in which Khan is chauffeured) go scot-free. Khan smears ULEZ protestors as neo-Nazi extremists. In Elmer’s opinion, the mayor is threatening a whole community, and is thus committing an offence under the Public Order Act 1986: –

‘Khan should be arrested, interviewed and charged by the Metropolitan Police Service, and be compelled to resign from his position as morally unfit to hold public office. He won’t be, of course, because he is protected from such charges not only by his office but also by his ethnicity, which allows him, as it does other Asian and Black Britons, to accuse anyone in this country who is White of being racist, far-right, anti-Semitic (etc.) with complete impunity.’

This is a deliberate campaign of disempowering white Britons and dismantling their traditional structures of faith, flag and family. The tactic of divide and rule is used to weaken society through identity politics, highlighting differences and conflict between groups of particular identities, whether by race, gender or religion. If they are fighting each other, they are distracted from the oppressive technocracy being built around them. 

The prime target of the ruling class onslaught on conventional society is the host community. The quaint idea of integration (when in Rome, do as the Romans do) was replaced decades ago by multicultural relativism, but in vast swaths of cities there are few white Britons left, and many areas are dominated by one ethnic group. Al cultures are welcome, except the English, who are uniquely guilty of racial prejudice and past imperialism. As Elmer notes, this modern version of witchcraft can be found in any situation. In 2021 Ugo Monye, a second-generation Nigerian immigrant and former England rugby player, accused English rugby of racism. Ten months later he was appointed chair of the newly-formed Rugby Football Union’s ‘independent diversity and inclusion advisory group’. Race hustling is rewarded.   

The beneficiary of the never-ending mission for racial justice is not the urban black and Asian poor, as shown by the fraudulent Black Lives Matter fiasco in 2020, Highly performative, woke puritanism ‘is the ideology of the Great Reset’, Elmer asserts. It destroys the structures and norms of society, slashing and burning so that the globalist oligarchy can create a two-tier world of the elite and the masses. Ordinary people – black, white or brown – are too busy worrying about their neighbours to confront the real culprits of this dystopia. 

Simon Elmer’s new book, The Great Reset: Biopolitics for Stakeholder Capitalism, is available as a hardback, paperback and eBook. Niall McCrae is a Registered Nurse and officer of the Workers of England Union.