Naked Outrage

BY JOHN NASH Being refined and civilised people of excellent taste, most readers of CSM are probably yet blissfully unaware that a tsunami of bile erupted not long ago among the inhabitants of that strange metaphysical country called Social Media, that place ceramic-toothed, tattooed moderns, Siamese twins of their telephonic apparati, use instead of intelligence.  This particular brouhaha concerned the very excellent and highly entertaining … Continue reading Naked Outrage

No Little Mermaid

BY MEG LEE CHIN To the growing number of Country Squire Magazine American readers who might not understand the British Monarchy; The Royal Family is a living national symbol or logo that is resolutely independent of politics. This separation provides a continuity not possible with the rapidly changing offices of the US President or other elected government heads. The US Head of State changes every … Continue reading No Little Mermaid

Regina V King Mismatch

CSM EDITORIAL It seems surprising given all the coverage of Meghan Markle’s bullying and her interview with American TV Host Oprah Winfrey that not more questions are being asked about those who fixed Markle up with Harry in the first place, and why their relationship is now being weaponized by them. What involvement did former US President Barack Obama have? Was the suggestion of the … Continue reading Regina V King Mismatch