
BY ROGER WATSON The waiter suggested that I might want to try another restaurant as they had a sixteenth birthday party taking place that evening. He indicated a long table set for about twenty people but, as I had already been seated and had a panoramic view of the Boccadasse harbour in Genoa, I was reluctant to move. Then my heart sank. In walked twenty … Continue reading Eataly*

Reverends & Refugees

BY STEWART SLATER “F**k you, Nigel. You f***ing ghoul.” My faith (if it ever existed) was long gone by the age of 9, (the Almighty’s weekly unwillingness to answer my prayer that enough snow would have fallen to prevent my parents from attending church seemed, to my childish mind, conclusive and irrefutable proof of his non-existence), but even I know enough about our ostensible national … Continue reading Reverends & Refugees

A Prayer for the Developing World

VICAR Dear Readers of Country Squire Magazine I trust that my weekly message and prayer find You well. This week I would like to focus on the developing world which too often faces suffering We fail to see or acknowledge. While back home We see stories of high inflation and moan about a cost of living crisis, We should do well to remember Our fellow … Continue reading A Prayer for the Developing World

The Church Vacuum

BY DANIEL JUPP Despite being an atheist, I’ve come to realise how disastrous our abandonment of Christianity has been. Our entire western moral code was built around the Judaeo-Christian heritage. You simply cannot scrap that without terrible consequences. At one time every village church in England would be packed out, all the time. So much so that religious services were only a part of that. … Continue reading The Church Vacuum

A Prayer for the Lonely

VICAR Dear Readers of Country Squire Magazine I trust that You are well this Sunday.  If You are depressed and frustrated about Covid or just fed up with the grey autumnal skies then You can always watch Lord Botham versus the Aussies from 1981. This week I would like You to think of the lonely people near You. These could be family members or former work colleagues. … Continue reading A Prayer for the Lonely

A Prayer to Distinguish Prides

VICAR Dear Readers of Country Squire Magazine I trust that I find You well and that Your families are likewise happy and healthy. This week I would like to focus on pride. If You’re too conceited or self-important, something will happen to make You look foolish. Pride comes before a fall. We’ve all heard the warnings. Yet We still fail to distinguish between good and … Continue reading A Prayer to Distinguish Prides